The Height of Fire Alarm Manual Call Points: Compliance for Business Owners in Spain

 If you’re a foreign business owner residing in Spain, staying compliant with local regulations can sometimes be a challenging task. Recently, after a routine inspection of your fire protection system, the technician mentioned that the height of your fire alarm manual call point needs to be lowered as it "does not comply with regulations". This article aims to clarify why this adjustment is necessary and which regulations you need to be aware of.

According to Spain's fire protection regulations, specifically the RIPCI (Reglamento de Instalaciones de Protecci贸n Contra Incendios), the height at which fire alarm manual call points must be installed is detailed in section 1潞 of Annex II, "Active Fire Protection", within its subsection "Fire Detection and Alarm Systems". It states: “(...) Alarm manual call points should be placed so that the top of the device is between 80 cm and 120 cm in height.” Technicians frequently interpret this measure strictly, and any button found higher than this range is marked as non-compliant.

However, it is essential to understand that the RIPCI also includes a sanction regime, which, in its Second Transitional Provision, specifies that “For equipment or systems already installed or with a building permit request date prior to the entry into force of this regulation, only those provisions related to maintenance and inspection shall apply (...)”. This means that, similar to fire extinguisher heights, if your alarm button installation predates the regulation, you might not need to adjust its height.An exception exists for fire alarm manual call points due to accessibility requirements outlined in the Technical Building Code (C贸digo T茅cnico de la Edificaci贸n - CTE), specifically in the Basic Document on Safety of Use and Accessibility (CTE DB-SUA), established by Royal Decree 314/2006. Section 9, which meets the SUA 9 basic accessibility requirement, states: “Access and non-discriminatory, independent, and safe use of buildings for people with disabilities must be facilitated”. Section 1.2.8 “Mechanisms” adds: “1. Except inside dwellings and in areas of zero occupancy, switches, intercommunication devices, and alarm buttons must be accessible mechanisms”.
Accessible mechanisms are defined in Annex A "Terminology" as those which:

  •     Are located between 80 cm and 120 cm in height for control elements, and between 40 cm and 120 cm for power or signal outlets.
  •     Maintain a minimum distance of 35 cm from corner intersections.
  •     Are easy to operate with a closed fist, elbow, or one hand, or are automatic.
  •     Have a color contrast with their surroundings.
  •     Do not use rotary or lever switches.
  •     Do not use timed lighting in accessible toilets and changing rooms.

Moreover, the Consolidated Text of the General Law on the rights of persons with disabilities and their social inclusion (Royal Decree 1/2013) mandates that existing buildings must adapt to basic accessibility conditions where reasonable adjustments can be made.

In conclusion, yes, you must adjust the height of your fire alarm manual call points if they are installed higher than the range specified in the regulations, even if the installation predates the current regulation. Ensuring compliance with these standards is crucial for both legal adherence and the safety of all building occupants. Adhering to fire protection regulations in Spain is not just about meeting legal requirements; it’s about ensuring accessibility and safety for everyone.


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